In the Routings we specify the different steps or operations which must be taken for manufacturing a Product or Semi-finished Material.

When we create a Production Order, the Routing will be automatically copied to it.

We can create different Routings for manufacturing the same Material and they can be created for different usages.



Routings are structured in:

  • Header → Finished or Semi-finished Goods to be produced
  • Operations → Different steps for manufacturing it

Routings in S/4 HANA PP


Components and Raw Materials can be consumed in different Operations.


Operations can be:

  • Internal → Inhouse Manufacture
  • External → Subcontracted


In Internal Operations we must enter a Work Center and its Standard Values.

  • They will allow:
    • To calculate Planned Costs
    • To schedule the Production Order


In External Operations we can enter the Vendor, Delivery Time and Price.

  • They will allow:
    • To calculate Planned Costs
    • To schedule the Production Order
    • To create transfer requirements to the Vendor if necessary


Each Routing must be defined for each Plant.


In addition to that, a Usage must be defined for each Routing.

This usage can limit the use of the Routing to different processes.

For instance, the following Usages can be used:

Production → For using it in MRP and Production Orders

Cost → For using it only for Costing

Engineering → For using it only for Design

Sales → For using it only in Sales Orders



The Header Material must exist for the creation of the Routing.

If we want to assign components to different operations, the BOM must have been created previously.


In the case of Internal Operations, the Work Centers must also have been created previously.


Work Centers in SAP S/4 HANA PP
Demand Management in SAP S/4 HANA PP